The average house price on COOMBES AVENUE is £286,384
The most expensive house in the street is 12 COOMBES AVENUE with an estimated value of £312,396
The cheapest house in the street is 3 COOMBES AVENUE with an estimated value of £258,191
The house which was most recently sold was 3 COOMBES AVENUE, this sold on 25 Jul 2017 for £197,500
The postcode for COOMBES AVENUE is SK6 7BW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £60,000 23 Oct 1995
3 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £258,191 £197,500 25 Jul 2017
6 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £274,094 £200,000 8 Jun 2016
7 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £276,187 £155,000 30 Jun 2006
8 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £287,393 £190,000 18 Mar 2015
10 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £310,047 £165,500 16 Sep 2005
12 COOMBES AVENUE Detached £312,396 £82,000 11 Jul 2000